directed by Ariela Bergman
An immersive musical biopic which tells the story of Aunt Cristina, who emigrated to find herself but whose letters reveal she never managed to overcome her past.
Does the Sun Shine in Argentina? is based on the eighty- one letters Cristina penned to her family from abroad between 1968 and 1993. Cristina was an archetypical woman from the XXth century in search of freedom and acknowledgement. After the trauma of being abandoned by her father, Cristina grew up believing she had to surround herself with glamorous objects and success in order to be worthy. As a teenager she fled her homeland without her family’s consent, claiming to never have been understood by her mother and sister. After an adventurous early life, she settled in France but never stopped writing and caring about her homeland.
Ficha técnica:
Title: Does the sun shine in Argentina?
Director: Ariela Bergman
Producer: Ivo Aichenbaum
Composers/Performers: Santiago Grandone, Agustina Gurevich, Guido Gromadzyn & Diego Spivacow
Asistant animator: Azul de Monte
Graphic Design: Eliana Tujschinaider
Format: VR inmersive 30´min
En desarrollo
IDFA Forum 2021